Salivating to Anime Food and Japanese Food in Film: Japanese Food in a 2D Space
The eyes feast before the stomach” and “eating with your eyes” express the phenomenon of seeing the visual appeal of a food as an indicator for taste. As such, scenes within film depicting and emphasizing a dish or a meal can cause the audience to salivate and long to experience the dish being presented without any of the other sensory input included. Japanese cuisine depicted within film usually gets this reaction. However, the depictions of food within anime has built a mass fanbase that has skyrocketed intrigue towards and popularity of Japanese cuisine amongst Gen Z, Millennials, or anyone who has been graced with watching a Ghibli movie. Studio Ghibli’s distinct stylization of food has left many scrambling to recreate and learn about the cuisine presented, from the domestic Howl’s Moving Castle’s cast iron eggs and bacon to the extravagant tables of various dishes in Spirited Away.