Student Papers and Projects

My students have long produced superb pieces of research that have taught me so much. Especially in food studies, I feel that there is still much work to be done, and my students’ voices would fill an unmet need for accessible, provocative, and relatable scholarship. On this site, I would like to introduce just some of the work my students are doing. It is by no means comprehensive, and I will be updating regularly. I have categorized the scholarship in several broad categories below.

Asian American Foodways 2023
Japanese Aesthetics
Japanese (Asian) Food Abroad
Gender in Cooking and Eating Japanese Food
Representations of East Asian Cuisine in Media
Buddhism in East Asian Cuisine
Japanese Foods and Innovations
Japanese Foods and Health Benefits
Asian Aesthetics
Confucianism in South Korea
Japanese Poetic Styles
Confucianism in the United States

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